Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer, Summer, Summer, Summertime

Well, if you haven't noticed its been since June since my last post which means only one thing...


I think this year we have definitely tried to squeeze every ounce of summer out this year. Which means pretty much evey moment that we're not working or doing something else, we're outside. We have also tried to do a couple trips as well. So far we've done VA Beach, Cass Scenic Railroad, Leesburg, Williamsburg, and we're going to Disney in September.

London is growing up so fast it unbelievable. He is now talking in almost complete sentences, can count up to 20 and has started his ABC's. Its just so crazy to think that he'll be turning 3 this December. Our next big challenge is potty training. We are on a count down to August 8th. This will be the morning that we put him in underwear and never look back! Hopefully he'll transition easily but we're prepared for the uh-oh's :)

Nathan is in full swing with the wedding season. This year he has had a wedding almost every Saturday with a few breaks in between and it seems that receptions are starting and ending earlier than past years.

I myself is doing good. Things are going well. Still working full time and trying to soak up as much London time whenever I possibly can! I sold my moms car this past weekend and now we just need to sell her duplex (very cute in the city). Other than that everything is pretty ho-hum with me. I'm thinking about taking a class in the fall - yes I meant school. I am over half way done with my associates and have thought about starting with just one class a semester to atleast finish it.

Anyways, there's the update and why I've been MIA for a whole month. I'll try not to let that much time go by again without a post! Love to all! SK

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