(And also first time moms)
So you know those adorable little stocking holders with Santas, Snowflakes, Sleds, or Reindeer. Those handy little metal holders to behold your beautiful stocking that tantalizes you until christmas day. You know those 10 pound holders that I didn't realize that at any moment they can become quit the weapon when a 2 year old pulls on his cute train stocking desperately wanting to see if anything is inside.
Well our Saturday morning involved London pulling on his stocking that was hung by a stocking holder, a snowflake one indeed, with lovely sharp corners not only on its base but the snowflake itself.
We had these up last year and not a problem arose. But we also didn't have a mischevious toddler running around either (kinda forgot that when decorating this year). I think once past that 1st year you don't think as much about the adult-proof-plastic door handle covers or the impossible-to-pull-out to even vaccum outlet covers or I guess it could have been my sheer excitement to decorate...remember my last blog.
Anywho... I'm standing at the doorway to our guest bath which is also directing adjacent to our dining room where our antique china cabinet sits with our three cute stockings hanging proudly. Within 30 seconds, London has made his way over to the tree next to the china cabinet and stockings to admire the Santa's in different vehicle ornaments and I think "Oh he is so into those ornaments, he better not touch" and within another few brief moments my child and running towards me with blood everywhere. Its all over his face including in his eyes and mouth, both hands, pajamas, and dripping on the carpet. All I could say was "Jesus and Nathan". I've always thought I was really good in those kind of situations but I tell you it is totally different when its your own child.
London had decided to try to get his stocking down. Well the hangers are heavy enough to hold stockings with a few presents but not a toddler pulling on it. The holder managed to fall about 4 feet till it plunged into Londons forehead creating quite the gash and blood loss. We ended up haivng to go to the ER to have it looked at. They ended up using a glue to glue the gash together and within an hour we were on our way home.
So, for those with small children and stocking stuffers or maybe just don't think about stuff like this, watch out for those tricky little stocking holders!
oh my gosh Sara!!!! That is such a nightmare~!!!! We moved ours to the piano for fear that Julianna would do the same thing! Ohhhh... He's ok now??
OMG! Welcome to the wild and wonderful world of little boys!! You poor thing...I can just see you now trying to stop the bleeding. That glue is a lovely thing huh?!? I hope London is OK...and YOU too!!! :)
HA! I just noticed....you have a picture of the evil-snowflake-stocking-holder attached to your previous post about decorating!! For some reason now, I don't LIKE those holders anymore! Love ya'!
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