Monday, October 13, 2008

Funny little boy...
So London has over the past month become quite interested in the potty thing and the fact that he has a pee-pee. For instance...

1. When wanting to sit for a mear 2 seconds on his potty you to must sit on the adult potty facing him and hold his hand (yes, we're clothed and not using the potty ourselves)

2. When changing diaper we must point to the diaper and say the following
London: DYE-PURR
Sara: Diaper
London: DYE-PURR
Sara: Diaper
And this can go on for minutes (does not help us to get out of the house on time in the mornings)

3. He now knows where the pee-pees on animals our in our books so when reading bedtime stories he points out and says where the pee-pees are. No, this is funny but when it's a touch and feel book he wants to take my finger and touch the pee-pees along with whatever is touch and feel on the page (kinda crosses the line for me a little) but hysterical!

4. He knows when he's pooping and after he's pooped but still can't seem to figure out to tell me before hand. He just likes to come up to me patting his butt saying "Poop"

5. Okay, so I think its still okay to change in front of a two year old, right? The problem when changing in front of him is that he will randomly come up to me and point at my butt crack and say "Butt".

Lord, I hope its only a quick fetish!


Blackwell said...

haa haa.... I think it's a boy thing :) HAAAA

Emily said...

Ha. That's hilarious!