Thursday, August 13, 2009
Funny little Man...
If you're wondering what he is saying, here is is:
1st part - Shake your booty, like a clown
2nd part - his rendition of Old Mcdonald
2rd - Hip Hip Hooray, I did it
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Summer, Summer, Summer, Summertime
I think this year we have definitely tried to squeeze every ounce of summer out this year. Which means pretty much evey moment that we're not working or doing something else, we're outside. We have also tried to do a couple trips as well. So far we've done VA Beach, Cass Scenic Railroad, Leesburg, Williamsburg, and we're going to Disney in September.
London is growing up so fast it unbelievable. He is now talking in almost complete sentences, can count up to 20 and has started his ABC's. Its just so crazy to think that he'll be turning 3 this December. Our next big challenge is potty training. We are on a count down to August 8th. This will be the morning that we put him in underwear and never look back! Hopefully he'll transition easily but we're prepared for the uh-oh's :)
Nathan is in full swing with the wedding season. This year he has had a wedding almost every Saturday with a few breaks in between and it seems that receptions are starting and ending earlier than past years.
I myself is doing good. Things are going well. Still working full time and trying to soak up as much London time whenever I possibly can! I sold my moms car this past weekend and now we just need to sell her duplex (very cute in the city). Other than that everything is pretty ho-hum with me. I'm thinking about taking a class in the fall - yes I meant school. I am over half way done with my associates and have thought about starting with just one class a semester to atleast finish it.
Anyways, there's the update and why I've been MIA for a whole month. I'll try not to let that much time go by again without a post! Love to all! SK
Friday, June 5, 2009
This Picture said so much...
I always like to go to google images and search for random photos as my main photo for this blog. Sometimes its something that reminds me of my childhood or how my soul is feeling at the moment or what might be the cry of my heart that month.
This new picture for me caught my eye out of hundreds. At first I couldn't stop looking at it. Wondering about these two peoples lives. Wondering what they're thinking and feeling.
I then moved on to what was going on in the photo. Its pouring down raining. One is smart and brought her umbrella. She was prepared. She watched the weather that morning while going on with her morning schedule and making sure she was prepared for the day. The other lady, not so much. Granted she has a short haircut and therefore doesn't have to worry about the rain messing up her do. But she clearly wasn't a sprepared and didn't think to pay attention to the weather or if she needed her umbrella that day.
But here is another way of looking at it. Do we want to always be the one with the umbrella. So preoccupied in making sure that all our ducks are in a row that we miss out out the refreshing rain storm. In this photo is an example of two lives and their relationship with the Lord. One is distant, out of focus, and letting everything in her life prevent her from receiving the rain of the Lord upon her life. The other is clear, confident, and standing strong to not only receive what the Lord has for her but bravely battling what's coming her way knowing that in the long run it's going to be good and bring life.
So my prayer right now is that, Lord I don't want to be so pragmatic that I lose sight of what is real and that I stop feeling and stop receiving Your rain, Your favor, and most importantly Your word. Make it so that I am not the one in the background. Out of focus. Make it so that I am the one living my life totally and completely to honor You and Your name. Take the things out of my life that I have placed first and have caused a sheild against You. Let me be confident and stand strong in who I am and what I am to accomplish in this life! Amen!
Monday, April 20, 2009
My Bubby...

Thursday, April 2, 2009
National Donate Life Month

I can still smell your fragrance…not just that of your perfume, but of gooey butter cake, red clay mud pies, daffodils, & cheesecake.
Still see you sitting in your big chair drinking a hot cup of red rose tea and listening to Barbara Streisand or working in your flower beds on a sunny day.
Still hear the continual creek of the rocking chair while held in your arms and you singing me to sleep to “I love you Lord”.
Still feel the softness of the skin on the back of your hand and your presence in everyday things.
Still know the deep roots of faith you planted in us, the confident women you raised us to be & the love that showed no limitation of strength, endurance, & determination.You were an incredible woman. Always defeating the worst of odds and still walking away smiling. Always trusting in the Lord that through no matter what storm, He would provide and you would awake even better than the day before. You taught us more than anyone that His grace is sufficient, His portion enough, & His love is greater than all others.
This month is one that will also ring in my mind and will never be forgotten. It is National Donate Life Month! My mom didn't get the opportunity to receive a transplant but their are thousands out their that are healthy enough to receive a transplant...they're waiting on a donor. They're waiting on a donor to maybe have 5 more minutes with their families - husbands, daughters, sons, and grandchildren. One more hug, kiss, conversation over tea or shopping and thats just the things that are obvious. How about walking without a wheelchair, climbing stairs, taking a shower without help or even writing a letter. With my mothers passing, it is more than just her passing that you have to get over. Everyday I look at London and think of all the moments they would have had together and the things she's going to miss. He know his gramma by a picture but will never remember her by the memories they had together or ones that would have come. It's the holidays and birthdays that traditions will bring up her fragrance and make me feel the void. Donors don't have to give their vital organs to make a difference and no donation is too small!
- Almost 100,000 men, women and children currently need life-saving organ transplants.
- Every 12 minutes another name is added to the national organ transplant waiting list.
- An average of 18 people die each day from the lack of available organs for transplant.
- In 2005, there were 7,593 deceased organ donors and 6,895 living organ donors resulting in 28,108 organ transplants.
- In 2005, 44,000 grafts were made available for transplant by eye banks within the United States.
- Approximately 1,000,000 tissue transplants are performed annually.
- According to research, 98% of all adults have heard about organ donation and 86% have heard of tissue donation.
- 90% of Americans say they support donation, but only 30% know the essential steps to take to be a donor.